Monday, June 21, 2010

aku harus bagaimana

sebuah penantian yang harus ditamatkan ..adakah aku pemenangnya atau sekadar cemerlang di bangku penonton ...

10 tahun bukan tempoh sekejap ...lama , sangat lama untuk sebuah penantian

U did call me before depart - but you still not choosing me

U did call me when u arrive , but i'm not the one

U rang phone at 3 am to told bout your hectic life ---however, i'm still not the one

U did chitchat bout your terrible houseman 's life ...but i'm not the one

Forever as your diary ....


~* chirpy_chummy *~ said... he still d one?

Anonymous said...

The best thing is to stop waiting.

You have wasted your 10 years.

But it's your decision.

Annabuadiary said...

alang :not that one

knowlee : i'll try my best for that